Supporting Sustainable Development

At Lockheed Martin, our commitment to sustainability extends to the communities where we operate. Through evaluation of our mission and values, as well as our sustainability prioritization through our 2025 Sustainability Management Plan (SMP), we identified United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (U.N. SDGs) that align closely with our priorities. We then developed a goal to provide corporate giving that addresses the following selected SDGs:

Quality Education:

Substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment and entrepreneurship.

Gender Equality:

Enhance the use of enabling technology, especially information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.

Affordable and Clean Energy:

Expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries.

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions:

Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms.

This goal is unique as it intersects across multiple priorities. We continuously evaluate support for organizations that align well with these values. Proposed organizations are presented to our Charitable Contributions Committee, which consists of senior leaders from across the company, including business area representatives and our Chief Sustainability Officer. Chosen opportunities have clear development-oriented missions, and we manage them through our existing formal corporate contributions policies and processes.

Progress toward this goal is tracked by our Sustainability team through a centralized database of sponsorships and charitable contributions across all four business areas and enterprise-wide. Each organization receiving support is evaluated using the four selected UN SDGs and a standard set of criteria to avoid double-counting.


By 2030, double the level of corporate giving addressing the following societal issues: Quality Education; Gender Equality; Affordable and Clean Energy; and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.


In 2023, approximately $12.5 million was spent on UN SDG aligning organizations through charitable donation and sponsorship activity across the corporation.

Accelerating Decarbonization in Partnership With Rocky Mountain Institute

In support of the UN SDG Affordable and Clean Energy goal, we partnered with Rocky Mountain Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to sustainability, with a special focus on energy and resource efficiency innovation that promotes decarbonization. Lockheed Martin donated $750,000 to propel the development of four grid-tied battery energy storage systems in India to support the integration of renewable energy there and accelerate decarbonization of its energy grid.

Last updated: April 2024